110 Inspiring Bible Study Group Names to Deepen Your Faith and Fellowship

Choosing the right name for your Bible study group is an important step in creating a welcoming and spiritually enriching environment.

Whether your group meets at church, in a home, or online, a meaningful name can reflect your group’s mission, inspire members, and set the tone for your gatherings.

In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of Bible study group names that are designed to uplift, unite, and motivate your members in their journey of faith. From names that emphasize scripture and discipleship to those that focus on fellowship and spiritual growth, you’ll find the perfect name to help your group flourish.

Drawing Inspiration from Scripture: Using Bible Verses and Themes

  1. The Mustard Seeds
    Small in number, mighty in faith, inspired by Matthew 17:20.
  2. Living Waters
    Flowing with the life-giving Word, from John 4:14.
  3. Faith Walkers
    Walking by faith, not by sight, inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:7.
  4. The Vine and Branches
    Connected to Christ, the true vine, based on John 15:5.
  5. Light of the World
    Shining brightly in a dark world, from Matthew 5:14.
  6. The Salt and Light
    Preserving and illuminating, inspired by Matthew 5:13-16.
  7. Living Stones
    Being built into a spiritual house, from 1 Peter 2:5.
  8. The Good Shepherds
    Following the guidance of the Good Shepherd, from John 10:11.
  9. Armor of God
    Clothed in the full armor of God, inspired by Ephesians 6:11.
  10. The Beatitudes
    Living out the blessings of Matthew 5:3-12.
  11. The Fruitful Vine
    Bearing fruit in every good work, from Colossians 1:10.
  12. Path of Righteousness
    Walking in the way of the Lord, based on Psalm 23:3.
  13. The Peacemakers
    Bringing peace and reconciliation, inspired by Matthew 5:9.
  14. Covenant Keepers
    Faithful to God’s promises, from Hebrews 8:10.
  15. The Overcomers
    Conquering through Christ, inspired by Romans 8:37.
  16. The New Creation
    Living as new creations in Christ, from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  17. The Great Commission
    Dedicated to spreading the gospel, inspired by Matthew 28:19.
  18. The Living Word
    Rooted in the Scriptures, based on Hebrews 4:12.
  19. The Joyful Noise
    Praising God with joyful hearts, from Psalm 100:1.
  20. Bread of Life
    Nourished by the Word, inspired by John 6:35.
  21. The Narrow Way
    Walking the path less traveled, from Matthew 7:13-14.
  22. Faithful Servants
    Serving God with faithfulness, based on Matthew 25:21.
  23. The Redeemed
    Celebrating redemption through Christ, inspired by Galatians 3:13.
  24. Hope Anchors
    Holding fast to hope, from Hebrews 6:19.
  25. The Living Sacrifice
    Offering ourselves to God, based on Romans 12:1.
  26. The Good News
    Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, inspired by Mark 1:1.
  27. Kingdom Seekers
    Pursuing God’s kingdom first, from Matthew 6:33.
  28. The Potter’s Clay
    Molded by the Master’s hands, based on Isaiah 64:8.
  29. The Servant Hearts
    Dedicated to serving others, inspired by Mark 10:45.
  30. The Burning Bush
    On fire for God, drawn from Exodus 3:2.
  31. The Chosen Generation
    Living as God’s chosen people, from 1 Peter 2:9.
  32. The Shepherd’s Flock
    Gathered under God’s care, inspired by John 10:14-16.
  33. The Upper Room
    Meeting with the Holy Spirit, based on Acts 1:13-14.
  34. The Lord’s Harvest
    Working in God’s vineyard, from Matthew 9:37-38.
  35. The Beloved
    Living in the love of God, inspired by 1 John 4:7.
  36. The Righteous Path
    Following the way of righteousness, from Proverbs 4:18.
  37. Faithful Witnesses
    Testifying to God’s work, based on Acts 1:8.
  38. The Cross Bearers
    Taking up our cross daily, inspired by Luke 9:23.
  39. The Twelve Stones
    Remembering God’s faithfulness, from Joshua 4:20-24.
  40. The Watchmen
    Standing guard in prayer, based on Isaiah 62:6.
  41. The New Covenant
    Living under the new covenant of grace, inspired by Hebrews 8:6.
  42. The Pillars of Faith
    Strong in faith, like pillars in God’s house, from Galatians 2:9.
  43. The Cornerstone
    Built on Christ, the firm foundation, based on Ephesians 2:20.
  44. The Morning Star
    Shining brightly with the hope of Christ, inspired by Revelation 22:16.
  45. The Harvesters
    Gathering souls for God’s kingdom, from Matthew 9:37.
  46. The Tree of Life
    Rooted in Christ, bearing eternal fruit, inspired by Revelation 22:2.
  47. The Bread Breakers
    Sharing the Word as the bread of life, based on Luke 24:30-31.
  48. The Anointed Ones
    Living under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, from 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
  49. The Olive Branch
    Extending peace and reconciliation, inspired by Romans 11:17.
  50. The Vineyard Workers
    Laboring in God’s vineyard with diligence, based on John 15:1-2.

Incorporating Spiritual Symbols and Imagery into Your Group Name

  1. The Living Flame
    Igniting hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The Shield of Faith
    Protected by faith, standing strong against the enemy.
  3. The Lighthouse
    Shining God’s light in a dark world.
  4. The Anchor
    Grounded in the hope of Christ, firm and secure.
  5. The Crossroads
    Navigating life’s choices with Christ at the center.
  6. The Dove’s Peace
    Carrying the peace of the Holy Spirit wherever we go.
  7. The Potter’s Wheel
    Being shaped and molded by the hand of God.
  8. The Rainbow Covenant
    Living under God’s promise, like the rainbow after the flood.
  9. The Vinekeepers
    Tending to the spiritual vineyard with care and dedication.
  10. The Branches
    Growing strong as branches in the vine of Christ.
  11. The River of Life
    Flowing with the life-giving water of the Spirit.
  12. The Shield Bearers
    Carrying the shield of faith into every battle.
  13. The Armor Bearers
    Clothed in the full armor of God for spiritual warfare.
  14. The Guiding Star
    Following the star that leads to Jesus, our guiding light.
  15. The Cup of Blessing
    Sharing in the blessings of God’s grace.
  16. The Sword of the Spirit
    Wielding the Word of God as our spiritual weapon.
  17. The Well of Life
    Drawing from the deep well of Christ’s living water.
  18. The Cornerstone Keepers
    Building our lives on Christ, the solid rock.
  19. The Upper Room
    Gathered in unity, waiting on the Holy Spirit.
  20. The Tabernacle
    A place of meeting with God, dwelling in His presence.
  21. The Pearl of Great Price
    Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven above all else.
  22. The Lampstand
    Standing tall, shining the light of Christ into the world.
  23. The Rock of Ages
    Anchored to the eternal Rock, unshakable and strong.
  24. The Holy Remnant
    A faithful remnant dedicated to following God.
  25. The Ark of Faith
    Safeguarded by faith, like Noah in the ark.
  26. The Olive Tree
    Rooted and flourishing in the house of God.
  27. The Bread of Heaven
    Feeding on the true bread that came down from heaven.
  28. The Golden Lampstand
    Illuminating the world with God’s truth.
  29. The Living Branches
    Bearing fruit as branches connected to the vine.
  30. The Tabernacle Keepers
    Stewards of God’s presence and glory.
  31. The Living Stones
    Built together as a spiritual house for God’s glory.
  32. The Cedar Trees
    Standing tall and strong in the courts of our God.
  33. The Holy Mount
    Climbing the mountain of God’s holiness and presence.
  34. The Living Ark
    Carrying the presence of God wherever we go.
  35. The Golden Chain
    Linked together in love and unity by the Spirit.
  36. The Tree of Righteousness
    Planted by the waters, yielding fruit in every season.
  37. The Fountain of Life
    *Flowing with the water of life from God’s throne.*
  38. The Heavenly Crown
    Striving for the crown of life that never fades.
  39. The Flaming Sword
    Guarding the way to life with the Word of God.
  40. The Sacred Vessel
    Carrying God’s grace as vessels of His glory.

Reflecting on the Purpose of Your Group: Growth, Discipleship, Fellowship

  1. Faith Builders
    Building up one another in faith and love.
  2. Disciples in Christ
    Walking in the footsteps of Jesus as His disciples.
  3. The Fellowship
    Growing together in love, unity, and fellowship.
  4. The Shepherd’s Flock
    Gathering under the care of our Good Shepherd.
  5. The Pathfinders
    Finding and following God’s path for our lives.
  6. Grace Gatherers
    Gathering together to grow in God’s grace.
  7. The Heart Seekers
    Seeking God’s heart and growing in His love.
  8. The Faithful Friends
    Friends in Christ, committed to growing together in faith.
  9. The Discipleship Journey
    Journeying together on the path of discipleship.
  10. The Growth Group
    Committed to spiritual growth and maturity in Christ.
  11. The Fellowship of Faith
    United by our shared faith in Jesus Christ.
  12. The Heart of Worship
    Centering our lives around the worship of God.
  13. The Faith Journey
    Walking together on the journey of faith.
  14. The Discipleship Circle
    A circle of believers dedicated to growing in Christ.
  15. Faithful Stewards
    Stewarding God’s gifts and growing in responsibility.
  16. The Encouragers
    Encouraging one another in the faith and in life.
  17. The Fellowship of Believers
    Believers coming together to grow in Christ.
  18. The Walk of Faith
    Walking by faith together, trusting in God’s plan.
  19. Faithful Disciples
    Dedicated to following Jesus and growing in His teachings.
  20. The Spiritual Family
    A family in Christ, growing in love and unity.

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